Wood & Panel

EWD Digital – the new generation

The new generation of EWD Digital ensures efficient use of natural resources, such as wood, are critical for sustainable development, competitiveness as well as environmental protection.

Resource-efficient management along the entire value chain, for example through the intelligent use of digital
technologies, is the goal of their development for the future.

There is no way around digitization if a company want to remain profitable. This is the only way one can maintain freedom for innovation and agility in competition.

EWD Sägetechnik stands for this new digital development.

Early on, EWD recognized that the sawmill industry was about to change fundamentally. The pace of new developments is constantly increasing.

The expectations of the customers to saw more efficiently increases every year.

The goal is clear: “We want to remain a leading manufacturer of sawing technologies and at the same time become a leading supplier of digital sawing technologies.”

Technical innovations such as EWD Liveview, Millcontrol or EWD Simulation, and especially our digital platform eWood, are unthinkable without transformation.

EWD Sägetechnik is transforming itself from a pure sawmill manufacturer to a networked sawmill supplier, always focusing on people – as customer and employee. In this way, they are consistently developing EWD further.

Designing the customer experience, from the initial inquiry through personal contact to delivery is always the company’s primary focus.

In doing so, it is important to be able to understand relevant details of the customers: In what situations does the customer engage with products and services? To what extent can the customer understand all aspects of performance? And which aspect then leads to which request from the customer?

EWD is able to process requests quickly and satisfactorily with the shortest turnaround time. This can only be achieved with strategy and a great team of employees who intelligently support and flexibly develop all business processes in the background, such as their service.

In the company’s words, “We move forward and know where we stand every day. To keep it that way, we take time to reflect. About our future and how we want to shape it successfully.”

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