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Schattdecor releases business figures for 2023

 Monday, May 6, 2024

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Schattdecor has recently declared their 2023 financial year sales result. With preliminary total sales of over 900 million euros for the 2023 financial year, the Schattdecor Group is slightly below its previous year’s sales. The group’s output remains at the previous year’s level with around 1.4 billion square meters in printing and 725 million square meters in finished surfaces.

The industry is still in a phase of uncertainty, says CEO Roland Auer: “The year 2023 was marked by clear contrasts, a year of constant ups and downs.” A rapid and sustainable recovery of the situation is currently not foreseeable . “We now have to carry on with more energy and passion,” said Auer. “With contemporary new products, partnerships and a global network, we are continuing to make our way through these difficult times.” Mr Auer added further.

For the current financial year, 40 million euros will be invested in expanding production capacities and technologies as well as maintaining and expanding the international infrastructure. The projects respond to the requirements of markets and customers. Auer: “The need of the hour remains to continually focus our best efforts on efficient, innovative technologies and processes as well as a modern, contemporary product range.”

Through their in-house management system with the “Made by Schattdecor” seal of quality, they guarantee the same consistently high quality standards through all over the world. The former decor printer has become a surface specialist that guarantees its customers short routes and an attractive time-to-market.

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