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Why woodworkers should teach about forests and wood products?

 Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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Why woodworkers should teach about forests and wood products?

“The silence in a forest is paradoxically deafening. Proud, majestic trees stand up tall—the picture of stillness. Moss-covered logs obscure the forest floor. These verdant forests are witnesses to generations of history, stalwarts in times of war and peace.” – Joann Jen.

Forest – the core ingredient of mother nature which helps us to filter our life with everything fresh. From water to absorb carbon from the atmosphere and provide wildlife habitat – it helps to filter almost everything. As global warming is desperately rising, people should opt a sense of curiosity to know the benefits of forest and it’s outstanding contribution in maintaining our ecosystem.

Woodworkers are solely connected to the forest and therefore, they should take the initiative to teach the lesson of exploring the splendor that flora and fauna of forests around the world hold.

Why it is really needed to teach about forest and gain a real knowledge on this issue?

Forests cover a staggering one-third of the Earth’s land, acting as the planet’s lungs by absorbing carbon dioxide, storing it in the trees structure (up to 50% of the dry weight of the tree) and releasing oxygen we all depend on. They’re a cornerstone of life, not just for the countless species that call them home but for human communities across the globe. Over 1.6 billion people globally rely on forests for their livelihoods, highlighting forests’ role beyond environmental cornerstones to vital economic resources​​.

The daily touch of forest products

From the moment you wake up to the moment you lay down to sleep, forest products are part of your daily life. The chair you sit on, the paper you write on, even the ingredients in some medicines, all have their origins in the forest. It’s a profound connection, often overlooked, that ties our everyday lives to these vast green expanses. This connection to forest products showcases the tangible connections between forests and our daily routines, making it a relatable entry point for students to start appreciating forests’ value​​​​.

Tradition inspiring innovation

The story of forests and wood products is fundamentally one of innovation. The journey of wood derives from conventional uses in construction and paper to revolutionary roles in nanotechnology and eco-friendly substitutes for plastics highlights its capacity for continual reinvention. Groundbreaking developments like cellulosic nanofibers and cross-laminated timber are expanding the possibilities of wood, providing sustainable options that serve both humanity and the environment.

The impact of Forestry Education is beyond the classroom

There is something mystical about stepping into a forest and understand the silence it offers. The sensory experience of the sights, sounds, and smells can transform abstract concepts into tangible truths for students. Woodworkers, woodworking professionals or if you indirectly related to the woodworking industry, take initiative to make students understand the theme of forest and it’s investment.

Day out forest program can be helpful to facilitate the experience by implementing real-world understanding. It actually bridges the gap between human and nature. By encouraging direct engagement with nature, the programs will enhance all the learning outcomes and foster deeper appreaciation for environmental stewardship among students.

Sowing seeds for the future

As an educator, if you have a woodworking background, you get the opportunity to nurture the future custodians of our planet. To make a bright and sustainable future, schools, colleges and even universities should prepare such practical curriculums to encourage and inspire students. Remember, ‘Inspiration helps to take action’.

If you are one of the educators, you can help students with colourful projects based on forest habitants, prepare art and storytelling or probably arrange a ‘fun field’ trip. Every lesson forests, forestry, and wood products is a step towards a more sustainable and aware society.

At the end of the day, you are not playing the role of an educator who is bothered of covering a segment or curriculum, rather you are opening minds to the interconnectedness of life and the critical role forests play in our world!

Source: Forestlearning.edu and Imprint

Read more news on: Forest, Forestry, Wood Products, Sustainable

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