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Vecoplan achieves record-breaking success in 2023: A milestone year

 Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Vecoplan achieves record-breaking success in 2023: A milestone year

Despite the challenging global market conditions, 2023 marked the Vecoplan Group’s fourth consecutive record year. As a leading provider of machinery and systems for processing and handling primary and secondary raw materials for material and thermal recycling, this achievement serves as a solid foundation for maintaining their growth trajectory.

“We can once again report a record year in 2023, with revenue reaching a new high,” says Werner Berens, CEO of Vecoplan AG. Customers were – and still are – unsettled by the geopolitical situation and the tense global market. Many are postponing their investments.
“Despite the challenges this presents for us in order intake, we were able to slightly increase both revenue and profit compared to 2022,” explains CFO Ina Hannen.

“For 2024, we’re planning more cautiously,” adds Werner Berens. “However, the continued high demand for our products and solutions gives us cause for optimism.” This is why the company has continued to expand its workforce. In 2022 and 2023, the group increased its staff by nearly 100 new employees. The company also made substantial investments in its own development last year. For 2024, the Vecoplan Group plans to invest another 13 million euros. A significant portion of this will go towards expanding capacity at the production site at its headquarters in Bad Marienberg, Westerwald.

Vecoplan AG is a producer and supplier of machines and systems for processing and handling primary and secondary raw materials for material and thermal recycling. These include wood, biomass, plastics, paper, other materials, and household and commercial waste. Vecoplan supports its customers as a partner for single-machine orders, complex plants, and mega projects. With 580 employees currently work at the company’s sites in Germany, the USA, the UK, Spain, Poland, Italy, and France, the company had a successful 2023 and it looks forward to better business days.

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