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Mirka aims to achieve complete fossil-free energy

 Friday, April 19, 2024

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Mirka aims to achieve complete fossil-free energy to move towards sustainable choices for larger contribution into the woodworking industry

Mirka is further growing as an organisation with its sustainable and environment-friendly aims into consideration. In cooperation with the energy company Adven, Mirka is implementing a completely fossil-free energy solution that combines ground heating, solar power and an electric boiler. With better responsible development, the company is planning to spread its reach in industries such as the sustainably strong woodworking industry.

Heat production at the Mirka Oravais factory will be transformed to a completely fossil-free system. Once complete, it will reduce carbon dioxide emissions of the Oravais factory by 281 tons per year. Completion is estimated for early 2025.

Apart from this, the current pellet boiler and the backup light fuel oil boiler will also be replaced with a heating system based on ground heating and solar power. The company has decided the the existing pallet boiler will remain as a backup alongside the new energy solution.

Mirka also plans to make use of the ground heat, that will be sourced from 80 wells that will be drilled on the adjacent field to form a geoenergy field . Beside these 350-metre deep wells, the field will also accommodate a 2,5 MWp solar power plant. Heat pumps and an electric boiler will be installed in the current energy centre to replace the old oil-fired boilers. The project has been granted NextGenerationEU funding from the European Union.

Mirka favours local renewable energy

Sustainable development is at the core of Mirka’s business. It stands in favour of the local renewable energy and local partnerships. It is also aiming to increase self-sufficiency in its energy production. This energy solution from Adven is a perfect match for Mirka’s needs.

”After a successful geoenergy based energy solution was implemented at the Jakobstad factory, we wanted to continue discussions about a similar project at our Oravais factory as well. We wanted to get rid of every drop of oil.”, says Mirka Project Office Manager Jari Lemberg.

”In this case, we also took advantage of the electric boiler and solar power project underway at the Jepua factory. The opportunities and challenges of energy production can always be solved together, and our cooperation with Adven is not only commercial, but full partnership.” continues Lemberg.

More than two decades of partnership

Adven has produced energy for the Mirka Oravais factory since 2000. During the 20-year partnership, heat production has undergone an energy transition: first from fuel oil to pellet heating, later a heat recovery solution was added, and now heat production is solely based on renewable energy.

”This energy solution is cost-effective and carbon neutral, and at the same time it supports Mirka’s ambition to be self-sufficient in its energy production.” says Anssi Juvonen, Sales Manager for the Real Estate Sector at Adven.

Mirka initiated various changes for an environmentally friendly, sustainable move towards fossil-free energy solution. Like various other companies withing the woodworking industry, Mirka is also contributing into the better and responsible growth of the industry while making itself stronger in a way.

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