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Fagus GreCon celebrates wood-based industry for over 50 years

 Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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GreCon_spark detection

Anniversary years are an excellent time to reflect on the past. And this look has it all! After all, GreCon is celebrating five decades of their company—an impressive period in which a lot has happened, culminating in both a track record and a significant company milestone in these 50 years.

GreCon feels proud of their strong roots, which reach deep into the wood-based materials industry. A 50-year connection and an integral part of their history.

But what makes the success story between GreCon and this essential industry so special?

Wood-based panel industry and the call for solutions

The brothers Ernst and Gert Greten gave the starting signal with the founding of the GreCon brand in the early 1970s. Equipped with a wealth of expertise in mechanical and electrical engineering, a small team of founders under Ernst Greten began to develop solutions for the needs and problems of the wood-based materials industry. Not without reason – after all, the family roots, including Ernst Greten Senior’s Bison plant in Springe, Lower Saxony, already extended into this industry.

At that time, the wood-based panel industry had a great need for solutions to production-related fire hazards, such as drying chipped material. In addition, the idea of optimisation was becoming increasingly important – it was critical to know whether a chipboard was of good or poor quality. Measuring technology provided the solution.

GreCon: From pioneer solver to innovation partner

As the industry’s demands evolved, GreCon adapted by concentrating on problem-solving through the development of customer-focused solutions within its expanding business unit.

The development of the spark extinguishing system was a key moment in the company’s history. However, continuous process optimisation made possible with measuring technology has also helped the wood-based materials industry achieve ever-better performance. Over the decades, product quality has become increasingly predictable thanks to numerous measuring technology solutions, so the focus has shifted more and more towards production efficiency.

Jürgen Bartels_GreCon

“We currently have over 30 measuring systems in our product portfolio, all of which have benefited to a certain extent from the development of the first basis weight and thickness measuring,” summarises Jürgen Bartels, Area Sales and Key Account Manager at Fagus-GreCon. Bartels has been associated with GreCon for 28 years and has always worked closely with customers in the wood-based materials industry.

When asked why the industry has been such an important partner for decades, Bartels points to the mutual benefits between the industry and GreCon. After all, “GreCon has always orientated itself to the customer’s needs. Where can we improve, and how can we solve needs and problems? That not only helped us but also the industry itself.”

Bartels views this as a collaborative development marked by mutual benefit and trustful cooperation. He highlights that the partnership has consistently been harmonious and respectful. Over the years, many customer relationships have evolved into almost friendships, a testament to the family spirit that has defined Fagus-GreCon.

Despite the company’s growth and expansion into new sectors, it has preserved its customer-centric approach. For Bartels, this focus on customer relationships is a key factor in the company’s strong connection with the wood-based materials industry.

Bartels emphasises that GreCon is regarded as a reliable driver of innovation in the wood-based materials industry. The industry values the company’s research and development work primarily due to the many innovative solutions it has presented over the past decades. One current example that Bartels emphasises is the progress made in the laboratory, particularly in determining formaldehyde emissions. These developments show how the company is still actively contributing to making the industry safer and further optimising processes.

Cross-industry solutions that set standards

Technological advancements in recent decades have been instrumental in expanding into new market sectors. A prime example is the furniture and flooring industry, where product edge quality is of paramount importance. Innovations like EDGEINSPECT from GreCon provide systematic solutions to enhance quality and optimize processes, addressing challenges across various industries.

Bartels believes that Fagus-GreCon is well positioned for the future but realises that it is important not to rest on one’s laurels. From his many years of experience, he emphasises how crucial it is to listen to customers and maintain proximity to them to continue to set standards as the market leader.

Source: GreCon

Read more news on: GreCon, wood-based panel industry, spark detection

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