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Search Results: sodra

Södra aims increased Kraft Lignin production for eco-friendly solutions

 July 15, 2024

Södra’s new facility, operational in 2027, aims to be the largest kraft lignin producer in the world, enhancing sustainability and forest profitability.

Södra selects ANDRITZ for the efficient Lignin production solution

 July 3, 2024

Södra partners with ANDRITZ for the world’s largest lignin production system at Mönsterås pulp mill, marking a significant step in sustainable wood utilisation.

Södra prepares to become the largest producer of kraft lignin

 June 28, 2024

Södra initiates investments to build the world’s largest kraft lignin production facility to support the green transition and forestry profitability.

Södra and Boid secure Red Dot Award for efficient planting machine

 June 21, 2024

Södra and Boid win Red dot Award for its innovative planting machine, BraSatt, that is a perfect example of cutting-edge technology and exclusive design.

Frontwood® by Södra: Elevating interior design in innovative clusters

 June 15, 2024

Södra’s Frontwood® has been selected for the interior design of Construction City, aiming to create a unique and harmonious impression within this innovative hub.

Södra triumphs over the new market conditions

 April 24, 2024

Södra posted a stable result for the first quarter of 2024 while standing strong against the odds and delivering high value to family forestry.

Södra makes use of battery-electric woodchip truck in production

 March 13, 2024

Södra plans to invest in a battery-electric, environmental friendly long-haul truck in its daily logistics chain for transporting woodchips.

Södra achieves stable performance amidst various challenges

 February 16, 2024

Fighting all odds and challenges, Södra recently posted a stable result with total operating profit of SEK 2,226 million.

Södra’s innovative technique delivers promising field test results

 February 7, 2024

Södra, one of the largest forest industry groups owns a venture that helps to create a new advanced technique for better seedling survival and to improve the forest generation.

Södra Wood changes its industrial structure to elevate competition

 February 1, 2024

Södra Wood is consolidating its sawn timber operations with the aim to develop an even more competitive industrial structure over time.

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